
{365 Camera Phone Challenge Day 1}

I have developed a passion for taking pictures, though I do not always want to carry my big beautiful camera around.  It just is not always convenient.  I do however ALWAYS have my cell phone.  The new cell phones take pretty darn good pictures and there are some really awesome apps out there.  I have challenged myself to take at least one picture with my cell per day and post it.  It may just be a photo or even a short story about the photo or event.  I can not wait to look back in 365 days and see how my year unfolded.  It will be great to relive the memories of the year.  If you are interested in joining me please post your picture and information in the comment section.  I will also be making challenges to myself during the days, weeks, and months to come.  Certain shots I really do not want to miss.  I am going to start this post today off with a photo from last night and one from today.  I hope you join me!
The last night of Hanukkah - 2010

A very cold rainy day in South FL - Aaron on the way to school 12.09.10

The ending of a rainy yucky day, beautiful!
All pictures were taken on my LG Qualcomm - using the Vignette app with Toy Camera setting. 

Well these are just my first few and since I am addicted to taking pictures I will post probably post more than one a day. 

Snap you later,

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